Social Action – March 2019

Sunday, March 31st, 2019

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Nashuva is joining forces with Jewish World Watch in support
of their Walk to End Genocide.

The Walk to End Genocide is a community event that brings together
advocates of all ages and backgrounds in one united voice to say:

“We will not stand idly by while genocide and mass atrocities occurs.”

Nashuva is blessed to be able to volunteer to help JWW with the event  production. Join us for family-friendly day dedicated to raising awareness of genocide and mass atrocities around the world & celebrating our ability to make positive change for those affected.

Participate as a walker, a volunteer, or both!
All walkers and volunteers will receive a T-shirt,
and the blessing of Tikkun Olam.
Community Service hours are available for teens.


Volunteers make this amazing event run smoothly in the following ways:

1. Set Up Crew: prepare Pan Pacific Park for the festivities starting at 8am. (includes free bagels and coffee)
2. Walk Monitor: stand at the route crosswalks to ensure walker safety
3. Booth Worker: help out at one of JWW’s tents, including advocacy, community art, kids corner, jump-a-thon, food sales, etc.
4. Clean Up Crew: pack up tables and tents starting at 1pm

Walk or Sponsor Team Nashuva

Walkers participate in fundraising:

Each walker over age 22 raises $36 minimum
Each walker over age 15 raises $15. minimum

Can’t make the event? Sponsor a walker! Or donate to JWW directly.
Can’t afford the fee? Sign up as a toddler, and then raise as much as you can and give a check to JWW on the day of the event.

Invite your friends!  For more information about how you can be involved,  contact [email protected].

WHAT: Jewish World Watch – Walk to End Genocide
WHERE: Pan Pacific Park
7600 Beverly Blvd.,
Los Angeles, CA  90036
WHEN: Sunday, March 31, 2019
from 10am to 2pm
RSVP: [email protected]